Deadhaus ’22

Words & Photos by Chris Kirms, Toby, Mike Heywood and Katie Levine
Following two well attended Deadhaus ‘Notnove’ meets to commiserate Freddie Files (Ninove) being cancelled due to COVID19, this time we decided that if you can’t get to Witkap Brewery, then the next best thing is to bring Witkap to you.
So after meets at Caffeine and Machine in 2020, and the 70 car turn out at Quorn Great Railway earlier in the year, for the end of season meet the Lincoln based club decided to descend on The Warehouse Taproom in Kings Lynn.

With a massive beer garden, ample parking and bolted on to the side of the UKs largest beer shop with an entire aisle dedicated to Belgium beer, this venue had everything, all we needed was a few cars and some luck with the weather.
As advertising for the meet started, a few posts on social media were answered with requests for a show’n’shine and talk of small local cruises to navigate Norfolk.
A few beers led to deciding to build a couple of Trophy’s, and a few emails to some incredibly generous companies lead to a few excellent little prizes.

Fortunately delaying a week to deconflict with a couple of other VW events that clashed worked in our favour as the weather really couldn’t have been better, warm, clear skies and not a drop of rain!
Dry days always attract more cars and we had them in rows, all manner of Beetles, a car park full of buses, from Splits to deluxe Bays, and a plethora of Type 3’s, Ghias and a beach buggy and even a Frid! A couple of 90’s water-cooled cars joined us to once they had been successfully pushed down the road and into the car park.

Some 60 air-cooled cars rolled in, and the standard was really high. Prize choices was difficult and the discussion went on but the three chosen cars all stood out. Many people stopped by the stand to ask what the next event would be so we better get planning!

Thank you to everyone that attended and supported us.
Special thanks to Toby (vivaskegvegas),
Hayburner Print, Heritage, Tippers Vintage Plates and all the Deadhaus guys.